Verbos Real World Interface

Verbos Real World Interface  ·  Source: Verbos

The Real World Interface is a three-channel module for processing external signals and using the outcome for modular purposes. Sounds intriguing?


Real World Interface

It’s a beautiful-looking module, but Verbos has a fabulous style and aesthetic.

The left and right channels are Envelope Followers with built-in condenser microphones and preamps for other things. It extracts an envelope and gate from any incoming audio. You have some knob control over the speed of decay. An audio output also brings the input to modular levels. You have two channels of this.

In the middle is a Frequency Detector module which is also an envelope follower but with additional pitch extraction. It detects the pitch and gives you a pitch CV output and a sine wave oscillator locked to the note. Using a low pass filter it also gives you just the fundamental of the audio going in.

All in all, you get a comprehensive selection of audio and modulations generated from external audio that can permeate through your modular system.

The Real World Interface is coming in August, and Verbos are at NAMM in booth 10701.


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Verbos Real World Interface

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